Al-Raheeq international research journal <p><strong>Aim and Scope</strong></p> <p>Al Raheeq International Research Journal aims to deliver a platform for academic researchers, teachers, and students to share their efforts and circulate their results to promote research in the fields of Islamic Studies, Religious Studies, Arabic, and Social Sciences, through providing opportunities for print and online access to quality material for all those who are interested in research regarding religious sciences.</p> <p>The purpose and goal of the journal are to <strong>highlight Islamic concepts</strong> to answer the questions and to find solutions to different issues arising in the modern era in the light of Shariah. It seeks to establish a scholarly relationship between academic and intellectual communities of the world in the field of Religious Studies.</p> <p><strong>Scope</strong></p> <p><strong>Al Raheeq International Research Journal</strong> is an interdisciplinary, biannual journal focusing on religious studies that seeks to publish arbitrated articles dealing with various aspects of life. It covers different branches of knowledge such as Uloom-ul-Quran, Uloom-ul-Hadith, Usool-e-Fiqh, Comparative Religions, Ilm-ul-Kalam, Sufiism, and the study of various contemporary issues from an Islamic perspective as well as Arabic language and Literature, etc.</p> <p>Al Raheeq International Research Journal is a print and online Research journal published by ALMADNI RESEARCH CENTRE . The journal provides a platform for postgraduate students, scholars, and professors to publish their valuable research on current issues. The journal’s trilingual approach also reflects the international perspective, as it welcomes research papers in Urdu, English, and Arabic.</p> <p> </p> en-US (Dr Hameeda Madni) (Dr. Ambreen Atiq ) Fri, 27 Dec 2024 13:51:15 -0500 OJS 60 THE CONCEPT OF UKHUWAH (BROTHERHOOD) IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF AL-QUR’AN <p><strong>The current phenomenon shows that divisions between groups, so that the nation is easily cracked. It even causes wars that never end. This is due to the fragility of brotherhood or ukhuwah. One important teaching that the Qur'ān conveys a lot is about ukhuwah, and in Indonesian it is known as the teaching of brotherhood. The research method is used a literature study with a Qur'anic interpretation approach, the main data source is obtained from several Qur'anic interpretations and secondary data sources are obtained from articles, books and others. . Ukhuwah in the perspective of the Qur'an is devided into several types, namely ukhuwah Islamiyyah, ukhuwah wataniyyah, ukhuwah wataniyyah wa an-nasab and ukhuwah insaniyah. The Qur'an also teaches how and how to strengthen ukhuwah. </strong></p> Prof Dr Mustaqimah Hikam, Mukmina Panggato; Lilis M. Tiok Copyright (c) 2024 Vol 3 Issue 2(2024) Al Raheeq International Research Journal (July-December) Fri, 27 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0500 النَّسوِيّة; تحليل شامل لتطورها وأهدافها ونظرياتها <p>Feminism is a famous but odd movement that emerged in eighteenth century for the so-called concept of equality and freedom for women in western society. It is the movement that mis leaded women in the name of women’s right. The main aims of feminism movement were apparently the protection of women’s rights and providing the western women equality in social, political, and economic fields. But the central perspective of feminism is the liberation of women from their natural responsibilities which is totally contrast to the nature and humanity. This article aims to discuss the details of feminism movement and its historical background, with the theories that have contributed to the evolution of this movement. Furthermore, the article examines the challenges faced by this movement. It also analyzes the impacts of this movement on common women. The Islamic perspective of feminism is also discussed in this article with a concise overview of Islam’s protection of women’s rights and its natural and comprehensive concept of their social status, offering a critical evaluation of feminist ideologies.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ibrahim Ahmed Copyright (c) 2024 Vol 3 Issue 2(2024) Al Raheeq International Research Journal (July-December) Fri, 27 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0500 المذاهب الفكرية المعاصرة <p>School of thoughts have gained great importance in the present era. The different school of thoughts are the intellectual and philosophical movements of the society that influence people’s lives and determines the social developments of the society. Now there are number of school of thoughts in the world, based on different beliefs, principles and ideas. These schools of thoughts are classified in to religious, philosophical and cultural aspects.</p> <p>For understanding societal trends and future directions, it is essential to understand the contemporary school of thoughts and their impacts on the society. It requires deep research and comprehensive analysis to cover the different views and principles of these schools of thought, which reflect the intellectual movements and challenges of the time and create new opportunities.</p> <p>Therefore, the purpose of this research is to analyze the current schools of thought, to clarify their foundation, evolution and social impact.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Salman Hasan Zai Copyright (c) 2024 Vol 3 Issue 2(2024) Al Raheeq International Research Journal (July-December) Fri, 27 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0500 مولاناسید ابوالاعلیٰ مودودیؒ کا ترجمہ قرآن کا خصوصی مطالعہ <p>Maulana Syed Abul Ala Maududi is considered among the greatest Islamic scholars and political leaders of Pakistan. Before the establishment of Pakistan, he was against the partition of India, but after the establishment of Pakistan, he tried to implement Islam in Pakistan throughout his life. And he created a great name in academic, religious, national and political services.</p> <p>His most important and greatest achievement is "Tafseer tafheem al-Qur'an (Complete Six Volumes)". This commentary is considered one of the most important Urdu commentary. He has translated the Holy Qur'an in a unique style, which is called "Free Translation", this translation is a part of Tafsir tafheem &nbsp;al-Qur'an. Before Maulana Maududi translated the Quran, there were many Urdu translations.</p> <p>Maulana Maududi writes about the translation of the Holy Qur'an, "There are some needs that do not and cannot be fulfilled by literal translation. These are the ones that have been tried to be fulfilled through interpretation."</p> <p>I have highlighted his translation of the Quran in detail in my paper "A special study of the translation of the Quran by Maulana Syed Abul Aala Maududi". And the features of his translation are described in the article. Which will certainly be useful for students of Quran translations and those, Who are interested in Quran translations.</p> Dr Shakir Hussain Copyright (c) 2024 Vol 3 Issue 2(2024) Al Raheeq International Research Journal (July-December) Fri, 27 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0500 A RESEARCH STUDY OF MANKIND AND RELIGION IN THE LIGHT OF SACHAL SARMAST’S POETRY <p>Sindh is the land of saints and Sufis. Sindh has always been palmy and cradle of civilization, peace and love. Sufis and saints had highlighted and taught the lessons of self-sacrifice and they remain indulge in the service of mankind regardless of racism and religion. Sachal sarmast was famous for delivering religious teachings through poetry that caused reawakening of masses in the reign of Kalhoras and Talpurs rulers.</p> <p>&nbsp;Sachal sarmast had successfully eradicated the religious extremism and hatred prevailed among followers of different religions. His poetry certainly paved the path for peace and harmony in society and masses had breathed the sigh of satisfaction and peace of mind in the Era of persecution. Sachal sarmast’s poetry proved to be a solace to the down trodden and oppressed. Though sachal sarmast had frequently used and included Quranic verses and words in his poetry, on the other hand he also deviated from the main teachings of Islam by advocating the doctrine of pantheism. Sachal sarmast boldly shown a firm belief in pantheism that’s why he popularly regarded as “Mansoor Sani” (second Mansoor) of Sindh.</p> <p>As, Islam is a moderate religion that has the capacity to lead and guide human beings. Apart from Islam, there is another system i.e. secularism that is mainly adopted and accepted whole heartedly by westerns but gaining popularity in east as well. This system is purely “Taghuti” which has no place in Islam. Secularism reiterates that this mundane world is everything, there is no question of life after death. Secularism is encouraging mankind to do what they please became there is no accountability after death.</p> ghazalarafique Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Raheeq international research journal Fri, 27 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0500